About Beast World
Welcome to Beast World, where you can collect, trade, and battle with a variety of unique and powerful beasts.
Our Mission
Our mission is to create a vibrant community of beast enthusiasts who can enjoy collecting, trading, and battling their favorite creatures. We strive to provide a fun and engaging experience for all our users.
The Leaderboard
The Leaderboard page displays the top users based on their wallet amounts. Here's how to navigate and understand the leaderboard:
- Username: The display name of the user.
- Wallet Amount: The current amount of funds in the user's wallet.
- The leaderboard is sorted in descending order, so the user with the highest wallet amount is listed first.
- You can use the scrollbar to view more users if the list is long.
Beasts are special, powerful characters ranging from cute cuddly animals, to Gods!
- Beasts have stats unique to them, some can be super powerful so check their Beastforce to know who's the strongest
- There's a variety of rarity of the beasts, most beasts are Common rarity
- there's also Uncommon, Unusual, Marvellous, Rare, Ultra-rare, Uber-rare, Infinity-rare,
- Each rarity is more hard to find than the last.
- More and more beasts will be added as often as possible, so keep collecting!
Each beast is affiliated with one of 7 Chakras. Each chakra has an advantage over another.
This advantage gives a beast 25% increase in a battle or bounty.
- Ajna has an advantage over Anahata.
- Anahata has an advantage over Manipura.
- Manipura has an advantage over Muladhara.
- Muladhara has an advantage over Sahasrara.
- Sahasrara has an advantage over Swadhisthana.
- Swadhisthana has an advantage over Vishuddha.
- Vishuddha has an advantage over Ajna.
The chart below illustrates the chakra cycle and their relationships:

Unlocking Beasts
The Unlock Beasts page allows you to unlock and view various beasts. Here's how it works:
- The page displays an unlock icon. Any beast can be behind here, it's totally random
- You may already own the beast, if you do you'll get it as a duplicate.
- Duplicates are important, see Enhancing for more info on that
- To unlock a beast, click on the question mark image. A prompt will ask you to confirm the payment of $50 (this increases the more you own) to unlock the beast.
- If you confirm, the beast will pop up display the new beast to you.
- Click to close the pop up and go again!
Increasing Cost of Beast Unlocks
- The initial cost to unlock a beast is $50.
- For every 10 beasts you unlock, the cost increases by $50.
- For example, unlocking the 11th beast will cost $100, the 21st beast will cost $150, and so on.
- This ensures that as your collection grows, unlocking new beasts becomes slightly more challenging.
- You'll only be able to unlock beasts if you have the funds. If not don't worry, later on we'll explain how to earn more.
Managing Owned Beasts
The Owned Beasts page allows you to view and manage the beasts you have unlocked. Here's how it works:
- The page displays a table of your owned beasts, including their images and details, like Beastforce, that's their overall power rating!
- Beasts are displayed with background colors based on their rarity
- (e.g., Common is lightgrey, Uncommon is lightgreen, Marvellous is lightblue, Rare is lightcoral, Ultra-rare is Bronze, Uber-rare is silver, and Infinity-rare is gold).
- You can click on a beast's image to toggle its size for a closer look.
- Each beast's details, such as name, rarity, attack, defense, speed, and total Beastforce, are displayed.
- You can manage each beast by placing a bounty on it or putting it up for trade.
- Placing a Bounty: If you want to place a bounty on a beast, click the "Place Bounty" button. A confirmation prompt will ask you to confirm the payment of $5 to place the bounty.
- Canceling a Bounty: If a beast is already under a bounty, you can cancel the bounty by clicking the "Cancel Bounty" button.
- Putting Up for Trade: You can put a beast up for trade by clicking the "Put up for Trade" button. A confirmation prompt will appear before the beast is put up for trade.
- Canceling a Trade: If a beast is already up for trade, you can cancel the trade by clicking the "Cancel Trade" button.
Training Beasts
Training is a crucial feature in Beast World that allows you to improve your beasts' stats. Here's how it works:
- Select a beast from your owned beasts that you want to train.
- Choose the type of training: Attack, defense, or Speed.
- Training a beast will cost you an amount based on the beast's current level: Level × $25.
- Each training session increases the chosen stat by 1 point.
- Beasts have maximum stat limits based on their rarity and level. Ensure you don't exceed these limits.
- While a beast is engaged in an adventure, trade, bounty, or boss bounty, it cannot be trained.
- To train a beast, select the training type and confirm the training cost. The beast's stat will be incremented, and the cost will be deducted from your wallet.
Enhancing Beasts
Enhancing your beasts allows you to level them up, increasing their overall power and potential. Here's how it works:
- To enhance a beast, you must meet certain requirements, such as a number of bounty wins, adventures completed, or having enough duplicates.
- Once the requirements are met, a button will appear to enhance the beast.
- Enhancing a beast costs an amount based on its current level: Level × $100.
- When you enhance a beast, its stats are boosted by 25%.
- If you trade a beast, its enhancement level is transferred to the new owner.
- Duplicates are special versions of beasts that cannot be traded, sold, or used in bounties, adventures, or boss bounties.
- Duplicates can be used to enhance your main beasts.
- If you trade a beast with duplicates, you keep the duplicates, so if you unlock the beast again, you'll have all the duplicates for it.
Bounties you set of your beast's and friends will see that you've set a bounty!
When they challenge your bounty, and they select their beast, they have to hope that theirs in strong enough.
A common bounty costs you $5 to place, but if you win you get $15 back!
Challenging someone else's bounty at common level costs you $5 as well! So make sure you choose your best beast!
As the beasts rarities increase, as does the risk, but so does the reward!
As the rarity increase, as does the cost for placing a bounty:
Rarity | Cost to Place or Accept | Return if Won |
Common | 5 | 25 |
Uncommon | 10 | 50 |
Unusual | 25 | 80 |
Marvellous | 50 | 150 |
Rare | 80 | 250 |
Ultra-rare | 150 | 400 |
Uber-rare | 250 | 750 |
Infinity-rare | 400 | 1000 |
If you've put a bounty on your beast, you can't use them to challenge someone else's, so make sure you've got lots of powerful beasts!
The Bounties page allows you to manage your open bounties, accept bounties from friends, and view past bounties. Here's how it works:
- Your Open Bounties: This section lists the bounties you have placed that are still open. You can see the beast's image, details, and the current status of the bounty.
- Friend Bounties: This section lists the bounties your friends have placed that you can accept. You can see your friend's username, the beast's rarity, and a form to accept the bounty by selecting one of your beasts with the same rarity.
- Accepting a Bounty: To accept a bounty, select one of your beasts with the same rarity as the bounty beast from the dropdown menu. The selected beast's image will be displayed next to the dropdown. Click "Accept Bounty" to submit the form.
- Past Bounties: This section lists all the bounties you have participated in, including the details of both your beast and the challenger's beast, as well as the outcome of the bounty (win, loss, or draw).
Most Wanted Bounties!
If you have a beast that is doing exceptionally well, a bounty will be placed on their head
This isn't an ordinary bounty, this is a Most Wanted Bounty! These cannot be cancelled by the beast owner.
The bounty has to be either won or lost for it to finish.
These bounties also yield higher rewards, 1.5 times the reward for both the bountied beast and the challenger!
Here's a list of ways to end up in a Most Wanted Bounty:
- Win 3 bounties: Every 3 bounties won will put a big price on your head!
- Solo Battles: If you clear a Solo Battle win one beast, that beast will be Most Wanted!
- Player Battles: The beast to knock out the last beast of the opponent's will make you a target.
- More soon
Trading Beasts
Want to swap your beast with a friend? You're in the right place
Trading costs you nothing, and if you put your beast up for a trade, when your friend suggests a beast to swap
You have the power to accept or decline, so don't worry, if you don't want the beast they offer you, you can say no.
The Beast Trading page is a dynamic marketplace where users can manage their beast trades. Here's how it works:
- Pending Trades: This section displays all your current pending trades. You can see the details of each trade and cancel them if needed.
- Offers for Your Trades: This section shows the trade offers you have received from other users for your beasts. You can choose to accept or decline each offer.
- Available Trades: This section lists all the available trades posted by other users. You can offer one of your beasts in exchange for a beast listed here. Simply select one of your beasts from the dropdown menu and submit your offer.
To manage your trades effectively, use the following features:
- Click on beast images to toggle their size for a better view.
- When offering a trade, select one of your beasts from the dropdown to see a preview of the selected beast's image.
Our trading system ensures a secure and fair environment for all users. Happy trading!
Solo Battles!
See if you have what it takes to put 5 of your best beasts up against some strong NPC opponents!
You pick 5 beasts, then the order in which those beasts will fight (moving onto the next if one is knocked out by the opponents beast).
The highest speed goes first to attack the other players beast.
Then you take it in turns to attack and damage each other's beasts, until a beast is knocked out.
The player to run out of beasts losses!
Damage is determined by attcker's attack - defenders defence, if 0 then 1 attack is used.
The damage is deducted from the HP until the HP is less than or equal to 0.
Adventures! Embark on thrilling journeys with your beasts and earn exciting rewards. Here's how it works:
- Select an adventure from the available list.
- Choose a beast from your collection to participate in the adventure.
- Complete the adventure within the specified duration to claim your reward.
- You will only see adventures if you have at least 1 beast of the same rarity.
- Be careful! While your beast is out on an adventure, you can't trade or participate in bounties, or even boss bounties!
Boss Bounties
Introducing our latest feature - Boss Bounties! Challenge a Boss for a Unique Beast Reward!
- From time to time a Boss Bounty will appear. When this happens and you want to join,
- select your strongest beast, because these Bosses are brutal!
- You and a team of friends will take on the boss, hopefully your BeastForce is over the recommended minimum!
- Once the Boss Bounty is finished, after a specific period of time, hopefully you'll win the beast.
- These Bosses are tricky, so you're not guaranteed a win!
Another new feature - Enhancing! Use your beast in bounties and adventures enough to level it up!
- To enhance a beast you'll need to meet the requirements:
- - Bounty Wins and Adventures completed.
- - Or have enough duplicates to sacrifice.
- Once you've met the requirements, a button will appear, click it, pay the fee (this depends on the current level)
- After you've clicked and confirmed and successfully enhanced your beast to its next level...
- You're beast's stats will be boosted by 25%!
- If you trade this beast, the enhancement level will trade over as well
- Duplicates aren't like normal beasts, they can't be, used on bounties or adventures, or even boss bounties.
- Currently, the best use for them is to enhance your beast.
- If you trade a beast that has duplicates, you'll keep the beast and lose 1 duplicate.
Managing Friends
The Friends page allows you to manage your friendships within Beast World. Here’s a breakdown of the features:
- Your Information: This section displays your User ID and Username.
- Invite a Friend: Here, you can invite other users to be your friends. Enter their username and send the invite.
- Pending Invites: This section shows the friend requests you have received. You can accept or decline each invitation.
- Sent Requests: This section lists the friend requests you have sent to others, which are still pending. You can cancel these requests if needed.
- Friends: This section displays your current friends. You can remove friends from this list if desired.
Our friends system helps you stay connected and engage with other beast enthusiasts. Enjoy building your community!
Tracking Reward Progress
The Reward Progress page helps you track your progress in earning various rewards within Beast World. Here's what you can monitor:
- Login Streak: This section shows your current login streak and the reward you can earn for logging in today. You can also see your progress towards a 7-day streak with a visual progress bar.
- Day 1: Base Reward (£10)
- Day 2: Base Reward × 1.5 = £15
- Day 3: Base Reward × (1.5 × 1.5) = £22.50
- Day 4: Base Reward × (1.5 × 1.5 × 1.5) = £33.75
- Day 5: Base Reward × (1.5 × 1.5 × 1.5 × 1.5) = £50.63
- Day 6: Base Reward × (1.5 × 1.5 × 1.5 × 1.5 × 1.5) = £75.95
- Day 7: Base Reward × (1.5 × 1.5 × 1.5 × 1.5 × 1.5 x 1.5) = £113.90
- Day 7: Base Reward (£10) - Streak resets to 1
- Referral Rewards: This section displays the number of users you have referred to Beast World and the rewards you have earned through these referrals.
- Every friend you add both of you get $20
- Unlock Rewards: This section shows how many beasts you have unlocked and the rewards you have earned by reaching certain milestones.
- Every 10 beasts you unlock you get $10
Tracking your reward progress helps you stay motivated and aim for new achievements within Beast World. Keep logging in, referring friends, and unlocking beasts to earn exciting rewards!
Earn Medals by playing the game, winning bounties, completing other activites!
The medals you earn will show up on your beasts, to show them off!
However, there is a price! These medals increase the reward users get for beating you in a bounty! Putting a high target on your head.
This also works the other way though, you'll get higher rewards for bounties you win if the user has medals as well!
So be on the lookout for medals like this:
My Wallet
The Wallet page allows you to keep track of your in-game currency balance. Here's what you can find:
- Wallet Balance: This section displays the amount of in-game currency you currently have in your wallet.
Your wallet balance is essential for participating in Bounties, purchasing new Beasts, and more within Beast World. Keep an eye on it to manage your finances effectively!
Additional Features
More features and sections will be added soon. Stay tuned!
Soon there will be a marketplace, to buy and sell beasts for $, rather than swapping in trades
We're going to add some character to the app, some nice clicky buttons, some banners for beast imagess in a bounty or trade etc.
Contact Us
If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to contact us.